Saturday, June 9, 2012

Moving On Up

My students are moving up to second grade and I just learned that......... I am too!  I will be teaching second grade next year.  I am excited about the opportunity.  In our school second grade teachers loop to third grade with their students, so I will have the chance to really learn my students and get each one of them the help that they need.  I look forward to moving to my new classroom, planning with my new team, and preparing for next school year!

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Last Day of School

Today we enjoyed our last day of school. We cleaned and organized supplies and materials, played outside, played Minute to Win It games, and sang at our end of year celebration. The day was perfect. Everyone was both happy and sad. Happy about having some time to rest our brains, but sad to not see each other for a couple of months. What happens when first graders believe in themselves and each other? They become second graders! I am so proud of every one of them! Enjoy your summer and READ, READ, READ!!!