Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our Learning Styles

This first week of second grade has been inspirational.  It has inspired me as the teacher to prepare lessons that are engaging and exciting.  These kids love to learn, read, and grow.  I am excited about this school year.  After some quick fluency assessments and one-on-one discussions I have learned that I have a smart, determined, inquisitive group that is ready for a challenge.  I am looking forward to giving them those opportunities.

Our favorite activity this week was an assessment of our learning styles.  Each student took a survey and determined the best way that he or she learns new information.  After we found the results of our surveys, we got into groups based on our learning style (or "multiple intelligences").  In these groups, we discussed activities that each of us can focus on to help us learn.  It made us more aware of our strengths and weaknesses, and how to address them.

Students got to take their picture with a label for their personal learning style.  Then, students wrote about how they were going to use this information to make their year the best it can be!  I am excited to have such a variety of learning styles in my classroom this year.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I am so excited to see all of my students tomorrow for the first day of school.  Please be sure to check out the Cat's Meow Blog for important upcoming dates to be aware of.

If you want to start the school year off strong, build your background knowledge about what we will be exploring this week.  Do some research tonight or tomorrow about the Mars rover, Curiosity.  We will be talking about NASA's purpose of the mission this week as we dive into our new social studies curriculum.  Let's get started!

See you tomorrow!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Leader in Me

As most of you know, our school applied and accepted a grant to receive Leader in Me teacher training.  This training is going to help our teachers to encourage leadership in their students.  It goes along with the 7 Habits of Happy Kids that we follow at our school.  Here is a video that shows elementary students discussing the habits and how important they are.  I am excited to begin learning more at the teacher training that begins tomorrow, and I am looking forward to seeing you on the 27th.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

NCCAT @ Ocracoke Day 4: Off-Roading On the Beach

We got to ride in the back of a 4 wheel drive truck on the beach.  We discussed the politics behind the laws that allow people to drive on the beach.  Driving on the beach makes the beach more useful.  It is easier to haul things to and from the beach if you have on off-road permit.  It is an issue for some people due to the dangers beach driving can pose to the living organisms on the beach.  What do you think?  Should people be allowed to drive on the beach?
 From the top of a tall sand dune.
 A beautiful Ocracoke Sunset over the inlet.
NCCAT Connecting to the Future Teachers
If you look carefully, you will see two structures standing in the distance.  One is on the right and one is on the left.  The left structure is the Ocracoke Lighthouse.  The right structure is the water tower that provides water for the people in the village.  Think about the importance of these two structures.  Are their any important structures like this in Hendersonville?

NCCAT @ Ocracoke Day 4: The Wild Pony Pen

Research the wild ponies of Ocracoke. I can't wait to share with you what I learned about them! Their history is incredible.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

NCCAT @ Ocracoke Day 3: Ocracoke Lighthouse

 Ocracoke Lighthouse on a beautiful island morning. This lighthouse was built in 1823. How many years ago was it built?

 The spiral staircase inside the lighthouse. The round brick wall is 5 feet thick. Can you estimate how many bricks were used?
After our seafood dinner, a storm started brewing in the Pamlico Sound.  Do you think that the weather here is the same as in Hendersonville?  Take a look at this weather map and decide for yourself.  (HINT:  You are near "AVL."  I am near "HSE.").

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

NCCAT @ Ocracoke Day 2: Sea Turtle Release

The national park service hosted 14 loggerhead sea turtles' release into the ocean.  They had excavated the sea turtle nest because the sea turtles were in danger.  What kinds of things could have been endangering the sea turtles?
 Ocracokers and tourists going to watch the release of the sea turtles.
 A park ranger tells the crowd how important it is to give the turtles plenty of room, to not move if they wash up in the waves, and to not use a flash on any cameras.  Can you infer why we were't aloud to use the flash on our cameras?

Video of the release of the loggerhead sea turtles.

NCCAT @ Ocracoke Day 2: Kayaking in the Pamlico Sound

Kayaking along the shore of the Pamlico Sound with Amy, another teacher from North Carolina.  We saw a sea turtle swimming in the ocean a foot away from our kayak!  Check back for more about sea turtles.
Ms. Wilson and I at the fishing canals.

These are the fishing canals off the Pamlico Sound.  They are filled with wildlife!  We saw lots of birds, fish, hermit crabs, and more!  Imagine an island village less than a mile from here.  How do you think the village of Ocracoke effects this wildlife?  What part do the ocean and the wildlife play in the lives of people in the village?

NCCAT @ Ocracoke Day 2: Ocracoke Lifeguard Beach

 The west facing side of the sand dunes.

Beach mile marker.
 East facing side of the sand dunes.
 The Atlantic Ocean

Kayaking pictures soon to come!

Monday, August 13, 2012

NCCAT @ Ocracoke Day 1


Ms. Wilson and I made it to the Outer Banks!  We had to leave at 2 a.m. to make it to the 11:00 p.m. ferry in Cedar Island.  Can you figure out how long we had to drive?
 This was the ferry we had to ride.  It was cool to drive my car onto the boat!  The ride was fun.  It took 2 hours and 15 minutes to get from Cedar Island to Ocracoke Island.

 This is the NCCAT building.  It is surrounded by water.  It is the first building you see when you get off the ferry.  We are so glad to be spending the week here!
Ready for a fun week of learning!  Stay tuned.  We can't wait to share our photos and updates with you!

Ocracoke Route

This is the route we took to get from Hendersonville to Ocracoke.  What can you learn by researching about the outer banks?  What kind of things might we see?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Vote for Dana Elementary!

Parents, students, and friends, please visit Target's website and vote for our school.  25 votes = $25 for our school. We would love to buy new books and/or technology, so please vote.  Voting ends the beginning of September.  You can vote once every 4 days.

Cat's Meow Blog

Parents, please visit the Cat's Meow Blog.  It is Dana Elementary's way of communicating with parents about upcoming events, important dates, and what's going on in the classroom.  It is really informative.  I suggest you check it daily for updates.  To get there, click on the tab at the top of the page labeled "Cat's Meow Blog for Parents" or go to

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I'm Going to Ocracoke!

Ocracoke Photos
This photo of Ocracoke is courtesy of TripAdvisor.

I have been chosen, along with Ms. Wilson, to visit the North Carolina Outer Banks with the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching.  I will be leaving on Monday, August 13th for a 5 day trip to Ocracoke Island.  The trip includes lots of fun and adventurous activities as well as opportunities for us to learn and grow as teachers.  I am excited about this trip.  Please check our blog next week as I tour Ocracoke Island!  Expect pictures and updates from the Outer Banks!