Friday, October 24, 2014

Students as Teachers!

In our classroom, I, Mrs. Brown, am just a facilitator.  I provide students with opportunities to learn, and they work to solve problems, complete projects, research, and develop theories.  These photos are examples of how the students take over my class!  I am so proud of what they accomplish!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Respiratory and Digestive Systems

In Science this week we have been learning about the Respiratory and Digestive Systems.  Check out these investigations!
Kenyi and Violeta use apples to discover how our mouths aid digestion.

Zach and Yancey investigate how oxygen and carbon dioxide are brought into and out of the body.

Monday, October 6, 2014

SMART Response Remotes

We have been using SMART Response Remotes in our class this week.  These remotes give us an opportunity to have 100% participation during our lessons.  The remotes work like a phone.  Students enter a class ID number, and then answer questions that are relevant to our lesson.  They can answer multiple choice, true/false, opinion, and short answer questions (which they sort of "text" in).  Their responses are recorded and I, the teacher, can see the data collected about each student's understanding.  They have increased our participation and engagement throughout the day!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Exploring Regions of the US with Architecture

In Social Studies, we have been studying the regions of the US by exploring architecture in each region.  We have learned about architects and their projects, and about the human and physical characteristics of each region.  As the STEM magnet class, we enjoyed seeing how architects are engineers and how art integrates with architecture.  In these photos, we were taking a gallery walk around the classroom to identify the characteristics of different buildings and which US region we felt that can be found in.