Tuesday, February 12, 2013


We talked this week in "Pow Wow" about integrity.  We discussed the word and what it means. We realized that the word can have 2 different meanings. It can mean "strength." For example, "The architect tested the integrity of the newly-constructed bridge." We also learned that a person can have integrity. This means that they do the right thing no matter what; even when no one is looking.  We watched a few commercials and identified people showing integrity.  Click the link below to view videos, billboards, and quotes from The Foundation For a Better Life.

The Foundation For a Better Life

I have also been giving random integrity tests to see if students are showing integrity. Are they doing the right thing even when no one's around? Are they making good choices no matter what? I am enjoying seeing our classroom grow as our integrity grows.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Digital Technology Day... and 100th Day of School!

On Digital Technology day today, we used a Smore website on our MacBook Airs.  The Smore website helped us to explore states of matter and focused on solids and liquids.  We were excited to start our new science unit!
Christopher, Faith, and Amber explored the Smore site and read an article called,
"What is Matter?."

Rodolfo learned about liquids and the properties of liquids.

Noah and Jazmin learned that scientists have a name for all materials, "Matter."

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

States of Matter

ONLY if you are a student in Ms. Ballard's class...

Please click the link below to take a Matter quiz.


Click the link below to explore the states of matter, solids and liquids.



Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentine's Day Assembly Line

Before our Valentine Card Assembly could begin,
our class made hearts for the cards so that
our decorators could use them.
The assembly line at work.

With our new Social Studies Essential Standards, we are learning about producers and consumers.  To reinforce the concept of production, we worked together with Ms. Dickerson's class on Friday to create Valentine's Day cards in an assembly line.  Mrs. Walter, our art teacher, helped us to design and create our products.  Each student was assigned a job.  They had to focus on their responsibility and put a lot of effort into their work.  In 35 minutes, we created 158 Valentine's Day cards to share with a local nursing home.  We were proud of our hard work.  Afterwards, we discussed factors that helped production and factors that hurt production.  A lot of students said that working in a factory would be hard work, but that their jobs are necessary for production. 
Rodolfo worked as a folder.

Toni was part of the glue crew. 
He had to glue the message inside the card after the cover was decorated.

David's job was to run cards from the glue crew to the stampers.

Destiny worked as a stamper in our assembly line.

Tyler added a signature to the card
that read "From Dana Elementary School."

Jazmin worked as an inspector. 
She checked each card for quality
before the cards are ran to the envelope stuffers.

Rebecca worked as runner. 
She ran cards from the inspector to the envelope stuffers.

Carina stuffed cards into envelopes that she created.

Noah sealed each envelope with a strip of glue.

Karen bundled the cards (counting by tens) and boxed them up.

Jennifer, as our leader of the month, was the factory manager.
 She managed each group and ensured that all materials were available
and all jobs were being completed correctly.